The renowned author does not plan on living in Canada, but why?

He even refused permanent residency opportunity in Canada, plans to come back to Pakistan.

The renowned author does not plan on living in Canada, but why?
Caption: Anwar Maqsood is a Pakistani scriptwriter, television host, satirist, humorist, and infrequent actor
Source: bolnews

UAE:  Anwar Maqsood, the renowned humorist, playwright, and television host, has set the record straight amidst swirling rumors about his plans. Despite currently residing in Canada, he reassured that he has no intention of making it his permanent home, reaffirming his deep-rooted connection to Pakistan, a country that gave him the recognition.

"I am on the brink of returning to Pakistan," Maqsood declared, countering speculations that Canada might become his long-term residence. "Pakistan holds everything of value to me," he focused upon, underlining his unwavering commitment to his homeland.

Addressing concerns about his political affiliations, Maqsood asserted, "I am a Pakistani, devoted to the love of my country," dispelling any doubts about his allegiance - as previously Maqsood was alleged to support a political party.

In a recent statement made to overseas Pakistanis, Maqsood also extended heartfelt encouragement to overseas Pakistanis, urging them to stay resilient and continue their endeavors with integrity, while reassuring them of Pakistan's enduring support.

Adding to his distinctions, the Canadian government honored Anwar Maqsood with the prestigious King Charles Pen Award for his exceptional contributions to Urdu literature and the arts. Presented by Canadian Parliament member Shafqat Ali, the award celebrated Maqsood as a distinguished ambassador for Pakistan on the global stage.

Anwar Maqsood the living legend of Pakistan!
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Shafqat Ali expressed profound appreciation for Maqsood's role in enhancing Pakistan's cultural reputation worldwide, emphasizing his pride in the achievements of the Pakistani community both in Canada and beyond.

Maqsood's recognition by the Canadian government not only underscores his profound impact on cultural and literary spheres but also highlights the positive influence of his work on an international scale, serving as a testament to his dedication and achievements.